So my work partner (He did SAN; I did TSM) found a great new job with IBM.
Since he is the sole support for his family; I am glad that he found such a great job and jump in pay.
Since I understood little of what he did and am expected to do so, I am afraid.
I was hired to take some of the AIX, TSM, and SAN workload off his shoulders and to back him up.
He was a patient teacher when I was learning TSM admin. His dry wit, compassionate ear of a husband and father who could share my joys and sorrows, being able to discuss our shared Christianity, his thoroughness and quick intelligence, his encyclopedic knowledge of music, movies, Texas cities, and County employees will be missed sorely. He was one of the best work partners that I have ever had the pleasure to work with... (dangling particple and all).
I am being expected to administer the following: IBM SVC, Brocade DSX, Xseries blade center switches, N-series (Netapp) for storage I have IBM's DS8100, 1746, 1726, and three XIV's.
Yes, my employer is seeking to fill this position but I am not optimistic.
After searching high and low for blogs of other professionals and finding only business sponsored blogs with no real technical content, I decided that as I learned administrative commands and concepts that I'd place my notes online. Not just to share but also to have as quick reference with such a variety to manage, I will not be able to memorize it all. When I have learned how to do something, I will post it.